About Me 💖

Hey, my name is Claudia. I’ve been told I’m opinionated, sarcastic, sometimes harsh but always truthful.

I live with my partner, our two cats – Loki 🐱 and Charlie 🐈- and our bunny rabbit, Flopsie 🐇.

I love cosplay. To date, I have been Misa from Death note, Elsa from Frozen, Fang from Final Fantasy 13 and I’ve put my own spin on Harley Quinn.

I enjoy watching anime and playing video games.

I have performed on stage doing pole dance and burlesque. 💃👯

I have competed in my martial art, Kuk Sool Won, in 3 countries and have won a few medals too! 🥇🥈🥉

I have found a love of make up that I didn’t know I had! Things are lot different compared to just slapping on anything while in highschool or making my eyes as dark as possible when going out for a drink. So many new techniques and products, it’s like a minefield!

My favourite brands are mainly drugstore – Revolution Makeup, I’m looking at you – with a 💜 for all things Urban Decay, except the pricetag!

Find me on Instagram or Twitter @bloodraine5252

Claudia xxx